The Childhood Spiritual Formation Toolbox is a production of Central United Methodist Church Traverse City, in conjunction with the Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church and the Northern Waters District.
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At Home Faith Formation Toolbox
Participating in worship and Sunday School is just one part of wholistic faith formation. Families can also build faith-forming conversations, rhythms, and routines into every-day life. These can be simple – like writing a scripture verse or short prayer on the mirror in the bathroom or saying a prayer at a mealtime or even a family Bible Study. Choose what works for your family, and know that can that may change from one day to the next. We hope our tools give you ideas that can work for your family. Remember, you don’t have to do it all. Start small!

For Grown-ups

Equipping You
Not sure where to start?
- Connect with a group for parents/caregivers.
- Start small – look for easy wins to build momentum and confidence!
- Incorporate faith conversations and practices into every day life.

Empowering You
Feeling overwhelmed?
- Pick one thing to try every day for a week. If it works keep going! If it didn’t, try something new!
- Take a breath. Grown-ups carry a lot of stuff.
- Reach out to a trusted friend or church leader if you are feeling stuck and need support.

Encouraging You
You got this! You are enough!
- You know the kiddos in your life better than anyone else! Do what works for your family.
- Fill your “bucket” too. Say a prayer before you get out of bed. Listen to an inspiring song while you brush your teeth.
With Kids
- Go on a nature hike and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.
- Ask a lot of open-ended questions (questions that can’t be answered with a yes/no) like “What did you notice today that reminded you God?” or “How did you see God working today?
- Read a story from your favorite children’s Storybook or Bible. Use blocks, play-doh, crayons/markers, sidewalk chalk, stuffed animals, to re-tell it. Talk about their favorite part or something that surprised them.
- Pray together at mealtimes
- Pray before bed
- Pray when you hear emergency vehicle sirens for the responders and the situation they are attending to
- Pray for the sick
- Pray during hard or anxious times
- Pray during celebrations/milestones
- Want to try different ways of praying? Check out this playlist about prayer
- Not sure what to pray? Check out the books below
Recommended Resources
- Family Faith Playlists – Bible story, wondering questions, prayer, activities around a story or topic
- A Sacred Home – weaving holy moments into family life
- Free resources for families to use during various times of the year (Great Plains UMC)
- Family Faith Builders
Congregation Resources

Ideas for building connection between worship and home
- Conversation Starters
- Meal and Bedtime Prayers
- Connections with story bible/scripture for the week

Supporting Parents & Caregivers
Ways to support parents and caregivers of children to nurture faith at home:
- Start a small group for parents (could meet online after bedtime)
- Pray for a family and send them an encouraging note
- Drop off a meal (or gift card) with one of your favorite faith practices

Building Connections to Home
- Offer at-home boxes or kits during different seasons of the year
- Talk with families about what they need and how you can support them
- Provide simple ideas that families can incorporate into everyday life like discussion starters, short prayers, a list of Bible verses to learn, etc.