Need Additional Information?
Contact Rev. Kathy Pittenger
Providing an environment and atmosphere for families with children of all abilities and needs is important for welcoming and nurturing faith and relationship. The resources below are suggestions to get you started.
Disability & Inclusion Ministry Grant
The purpose of the Disability & Inclusion Grant is to provide funding for churches to invest in training, supplies, and resources directly related to providing accommodations for those with disabilities or neurodiversity of all kinds. Funding priorities will be given for workshops, training, speakers, resources, and supplies to support disability and neurodiversity ministry.
Grant request amounts may be up to $1,000. Churches need to match a minimum of 20% of the grant request. For example, if First UMC requests $1,000, they need to match a minimum of $200. Download the application here.

Welcoming Children with Disabilities: A Resource List
A highly recommended list of resources for you and your church from Discipleship Ministries Director of Children’s Ministries.

Including Children with Disabilities in the Life of the Church
Elizabeth Christie, Discipleship Ministries

The Association for Children’s Mental Health
ACMH provides information, support, resources, referral and advocacy for children and youth with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and their families. They also have a list of common diagnoses, signs and symptoms, and resources for training and parent support.
all belong: center for inclusive education
Intentional Inclusion for Students with Disabilities. Located in western Michigan, they have a wealth of resources on their website and they offer training in churches.

Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Creating a More Inclusive Sunday School

“A 10,000 foot view of childhood development that has been helpful as an introduction to working with children. This book frames baseline expectations for age-level groups.” – review from Audrey Kawel

A great resource in guiding non-professional educators to lead a Sunday School class.