Special Thanks
Rev. Michelle King for curating this playlist
Need something else?
Need another resource? Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.
Feelings Wheel
This wheel shows a lot of feelings, starting with the basic ones in the center and getting more complex as you move out to the edges. You can use this wheel with older children who want to go deeper and learn more specific words for complex emotions.
Exploring Emotions with Young Children
If you have preschoolers or younger children, you may want to use the Bible Story and then explore the Exploring Emotions topic from Sesame Street. Including this great Feeling Faces printable.
Additional Resources for Parents/Caregivers
How to Help Your Sad Child Handle Their Feelings
Depression in Children
If you are concerned that your child may be experiencing depression, here is a resource to learn more about depression in children and how to support your child.
If you have older children, you might explore the emotions videos and activities from BrainPOP.
Sadness is not a pleasant emotion, but feeling sad is part of being human – even Jesus got sad. When Jesus’ friend Lazarus dies, he cries, even though he is about to bring Lazarus back to life. Jesus knows that everything is going to turn out fine, but he still takes a moment to grieve and be sad. When the little ones in your life are sad, validate their feelings and help them to sit with it for a bit before rushing to make the situation better. Use these activities and resources to talk to the children in your life about their emotions.

Bible Story
- Read John 11:1-44 in your favorite Bible or Storybook Bible.
- Wonder about the story together:
- I wonder why Jesus was sad.
- I wonder why Jesus cried if he knew he was going to bring Lazarus back to life.
- I wonder what makes God sad.
- I wonder what makes you sad.
- I wonder what you do when you are sad.
Dear God, sometimes I get sad. Thank you for listening to me when I cry and for always loving me. Help me to remember that you are always with me and that I won’t feel sad forever. Amen.
1. Say This! Worksheet – We all need different things when we are sad. Use this worksheet to find out how to best support your family or friends when they are sad.
2. Make a Sadness/Cheer Up Kit – What makes you feel better when you are sad? Hugs? Talking about it? Time alone? Deep breaths? Make a list of things you can do when you are sad and put together a kit of comforting objects that you can grab the next time you are sad. You could include a stuffed animal, a glitter bottle or other calming items, a coloring book and crayons, a picture that makes you smile, or anything else that you want to include.
3. Role Play – What should we do when a friend or family member is feeling sad? Talk about ways you can support people when they are sad and then practice by acting it out. There are many ideas in the books listed in this playlist.
Elmo Feels Sad


The Jar of Happiness by Ailsa Burrows
This book is about different things that can cheer us up when we are sad