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Creation Care Playlist
Earth Day is April 22nd and a wonderful opportunity for us to give thanks to God for creation and take our responsibility as creation caretakers seriously. This playlist includes the Creation Bible Story and a Bingo Board that your family can use to explore and care for the earth.

Bible Story
Read the story of Creation in your favorite story Bible or Genesis 1:1-2:4 in your Bible. (I suggest the Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible edited by Elizabeth F. Caldwell and Carol A. Wehrheim)
- I wonder what your favorite nature smell is.
- I wonder where your favorite place to go to be in nature is.
- I wonder if you could create a new animal what it would look like and what you would call it.
- I wonder what one thing you could do to help care for nature this week.
Dear God, thank you for our beautiful world. Thank you for the plants, insects, animals, birds, sunsets, rain, and sunshine. Thank you for the big things and the teeny tiny things. Thank you for life and water and stars. Help us see the beauty of creation and to take good care of it. Amen.
Creation Care Bingo!
Use this Bingo sheet to learn, explore, and take action to care for creation.

Bingo Activities
- Plant a Native Plant – check out this list from Michigan State University for ideas in your region (in Michigan)
- Learn more about LED Lightbulbs and how they help save energy
- Book Lists about creation, Earth Day, or creation care:
- Movies related to creation, Earth Day, or creation care:
- Earth Day Songs for Kids (Spotify)
- Read the Creation Story in your favorite children’s story Bible, from Genesis 1:1-2:1 or watch a video from Saddleback Kids.
- Learn more about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle from Reading Rainbow
For More Ideas…
- Illustrated Ministry – 6 Ways to Inspire Creation Care
- Alternatives to plastic wrap
- Creation Justice
- Creation Playlist (Michigan Conference)
- Caring for the Earth Playlist (Michigan Conference)