Lent in a Box
The Lent in a Box resource is a collaborative project between Rev. Melissa Gepford (Great Plains Conference) and Rev. Kathy Pittenger (Michigan Conference).
If you are looking for more ideas, check out the other Lent Playlists! We also recommend the following:
Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home by Traci Smith
The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times by Amelia Richardson Dress
Children’s Books:
Little Mole Finds Hope by Glenys Nellist
When I Pray for You by Matthew Paul Turner
Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter by Laura Alary
How to Use This Playlist
The ideas in this playlist (collection of activities, ideas, links, books, and videos) goes along with the Lent in a Box resource. Included are 2 “simple” ideas, 2 “medium-sized” ideas, and 1 “big” idea. The simple ideas will take 10 minutes or less. The medium ideas will take 30 minutes or less. The big idea will either take more time to do or has more prep time. They may also be more appropriate for older kids. While the playlists are labeled by week, they can be done in any order or you can come back to them at any time.
The “simple” ideas are also in the downloadable resource, but may include more links and additional information here. We hope you enjoy these spiritual practices for your family.
Nature Walk
There are many ways you can go on a nature prayer walk – choose one that works for you. As you begin your walk, say a prayer. Ask God to show you the unique and ordinary in creation.
Quiet Walk – ask everyone to walk in silence, saying their own quiet prayer as they walk.
Pray As You Go – Walk together, when you come to something that catches your eye, say a prayer. It could be as simple as “Thank you God for this thing” or “Thank you God for this thing because it reminds me of _____.”
Finding Objects – Use the Nature Prayer Walk sheet to pray for specific things upon finding objects in nature. For younger ones, collect leaves, sticks, and other nature objects by sticking them on a piece of tape around their wrist. Instant prayer bracelet!
Can’t go outside? Check out one of these virtual hikes in nature.
Shouting Prayer
We often associate prayer with being quiet, but we can use our big voices too! You can Shout for Joy! You can Shout a Praise! You can Shout a Sadness. You may want to use instruments like a tambourine or shakers or drum. Example: Thank you, God! I love you, God!
You could shout a Psalm: “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth” Psalm 98:4, NIV
See the Shouting Prayer in action at Building Faith.

Prayer Beads/Rope
Learn about the prayer rope bracelet from the Orthodox tradition.
For younger children, use large wooden beads on a long string or larger pony beads on a pipe cleaner.
For elementary age children, it can be as simple as putting different color beads on a string that they can use as they pray.
Celebrate and/or pray for one person/thing as you touch each bead.
Learn more about Prayer Beads in the Protestant tradition.
Examen is usually done at the end of the day as a way to reflect on the day, how God was present in your day, and how we can respond to God’s presence. Here is a Simple Examen you can do with children.
Pray As You Go is an audio daily prayer session. They created several examens for children and families.
A Special Examen for Children (This Examen begins and ends with the sign of the cross. You can explain to your children that in some Christian traditions, people make the sign of a cross on their body as a way to begin or end a prayer, the day, or different activities.)

Planting Seeds
Use a starter, some pots, or a garden to plant seeds and then care for them. Waiting for plants to grow gives us an opportunity to practice patience, expectation, God’s creation, nurture, and more. When you plants have flowered or produced fruit (or vegetables!), celebrate it and enjoy! Learn more about this spiritual practices and others with the book The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times by Amelia Richardson Dress.