Lent Playlist Week One

Lent in a Box 

The Lent in a Box resource is a collaborative project between Rev. Melissa Gepford (Great Plains Conference) and Rev. Kathy Pittenger (Michigan Conference).

If you are looking for more ideas, check out the other Lent Playlists! We also recommend the following:


Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home by Traci Smith

The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times by Amelia Richardson Dress


Illustrated Ministry


Building Faith

Children’s Books:

Little Mole Finds Hope by Glenys Nellist

When I Pray for You by Matthew Paul Turner

Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter by Laura Alary

How to Use This Playlist

The ideas in this playlist (collection of activities, ideas, links, books, and videos) goes along with the Lent in a Box resource. Included are 2 “simple” ideas, 2 “medium-sized” ideas, and 1 “big” idea. The simple ideas will take 10 minutes or less. The medium ideas will take 30 minutes or less. The big idea will either take more time to do or has more prep time. They may also be more appropriate for older kids. While the playlists are labeled by week, they can be done in any order or you can come back to them at any time.

The “simple” ideas are also in the downloadable resource, but may include more links and additional information here. We hope you enjoy these spiritual practices for your family. 



number 5


A family practice for connection and faith conversation.

  • Share your highs and lows
  • Read a Bible verse or story (try starting with Psalm 23 or a favorite Bible story)
  • Talk about how the Bible reading might relate to your highs and lows
  • Pray for one another’s highs and lows
  • Bless one another

Creating a Sacred Space at Home

Designate a space, or, if space is limited, create a box with a candle, Bible, objects that remind you of the holy (like a cross or shell). 

Use your sacred space for family prayers, reading the Bible, or as a space for family members to go when they need a calming place.

Learn more about creating a sacred space at home at Cokesbury Kids.



We often think about fasting as not eating food. However, we can also fast from things like TV, technology, a specific kind of food, etc. When we fast, we don’t do something in order to open up time and space for something else. For example, a family fasts from technology for a Saturday in order to play together – they go to a park, they play board games, take time to try a new spiritual practice, and make dinner together. It may be a full day or just a few hours.