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Want to go deeper in the story of Joseph? The Celebrate Wonder All Ages curriculum includes Bible Stories and activities that you can use with your family to go deeper. This also works very well with the Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook.
Joseph and His Brothers
How to use this digital faith playlist…
- Read/watch the story of Joseph and his brothers from Genesis 37
- Wonder about one or more of the questions
- Pray together
- Do one of the activities and/or use the spiritual practice

Bible Story
- Read the story about Joseph and his Brothers in your favorite Story Bible, or from Genesis 37:1-36, or watch the video.
- Wonder about the story together:
- I wonder how Joseph felt when he got the new colorful coat.
- I wonder how his brothers felt.
- Remember a time when you received something special. How did you feel?
- I wonder about a time when you felt jealous.
- I wonder how Joseph’s father felt.
- I wonder what happens next in the story.
- Prayer:
- Dear God, thank you for stories in our Bible that we can relate to. Maybe we have been given a special gift, or maybe we have been jealous. We know these are normal emotions. Help us to find ways to see what is special in each of us. Help us talk about when we are jealous so we don’t hurt others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Watch the video about Joseph from Amplify Media (subscription service)
- Print or use a tablet to digitally color the coat. Name two things that are special about you. How can you use those special things to serve God? (From Deep Blue Kids Bible p. 45)
- Make tie-dye together! Try a t-shirt, bandana, or other fabric. You can purchase easy to use kits at most craft stores.
Listen to the Spotify Playlist about Joseph, listening, and not being afraid.
Family Spiritual Practice
- Pray in Color
- Joseph’s coat was filled with color. Use this prayer practice to pray using color.
- Use the coat/robe picture or a blank piece of paper for prayer time as a family. Provide age appropriate coloring tools (crayons, markers, pencils, watercolor, etc.) and paper. Start by writing or drawing a picture of God on the paper. Then take turns naming something to pray about. Depending upon the ages of your children, give time to pray for each prayer request or celebration. It’s ok to doodle, journal, draw pictures, etc. for each request. End your time by saying/writing Amen.
- For example: family of 4 (Grown-up 1, Grown-up 2, Jamie, Hayden)
- All write a name for God or draw a picture of/for God to start (ie: Gracious God, Loving God, Holy One, Creator, etc.)
- Take turns naming a prayer request or celebration & pray in color
- Hayden – pray for teacher
- Everyone prays for Hayden’s teacher with doodles, pictures, etc.
- Jamie – pray for a friend
- Everyone prays for Jamie’s friend with doodles, pictures, etc.
- Grown-up 1 – pray for co-worker
- Everyone prays for Grown-up’s co-worker with doodles, pictures, etc.
- Grown- up 2 – celebrate new job!
- Everyone celebrates Grown-up 2’s new job with doodles, pictures, etc.
- Repeat with any more prayer requests
- End by saying or writing “Amen” (or another closing) on your paper
Learn more about Praying in Color.