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Online Ministry with Children

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Kids Min in Creative Online Ways

Online ministry with children is one creative way to connect with children and families, especially during the time of physical distancing, but even beyond. This page includes best practices, ideas, and more to support and equip your online ministries.

children with a tablet

Best Practices

Protection Policy:

Considerations for Reviewing your Online Ministry Protection Policy. If you have additional ideas or best practices, please send them to Kathy Pittenger.

This article from Discipleship Ministries is geared for youth, but the same principles apply for kids min.

The Piece We’re All Forgetting: Digital Church Policies from Building Faith


Youth Group Jeopardy (from Rev. Alicea Williams)

Would You Rather For Kids 1 from https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/would-you-rather-questions-for-kids/

Would You Rather For Kids 2

5 Senses Scavenger Hunt

Whiteboard Spaceman (like “hangman”)

Find a Match (someone shows an item and everyone has to find an item that matches in some way. IE. Red shirt – kids bring a red sock or red pillowcase, etc.)

I Spy (use background of everyone’s Zoom window to find objects)

Twenty Questions

Fashion Frenzy (host gives a category, players find things around the house to go with the category, may even dress up. IE magic – get a cape and wand)

Kahoot (trivia app)


Easter Egg Hunt (Put questions inside plastic Easter eggs. Someone picks the color egg and then a group of people would answer the question. IE Blue egg question is favorite TV show, all people with brown eyes answer.)


Talent Show

Extreme Close-Up (find a random object in your house and start by holding it up close to the camera, slowly backing it up while the group guesses what it is)


Never Have I Ever Quarantine Edition (A list of things people do during social distancing and for each you point your finger if you have done that)

Logo Quiz (like these examples)

Family Feud

Rebus for Kids (visual word teasers)

Bible Balderdash (older kids)

Ideas for Using Zoom with Preschoolers