Need something else?
Need another resource? Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.
Looking for a Children’s Bible?
Check with your church to see if they have a preferred Bible or one that they frequently use with children. Here are my favorites:
Story Bibles:
Children’s Bibles:
Pentecost is the fiftieth day after Easter and is the day that Christians celebrate as the birth of the Church and the coming of the Holy Spirit. It also fulfills the promise that Jesus made to be with us always. Pentecost is on Sunday, May 19, 2024.
Use the stories, questions, activities, and videos on this page to deepen your understanding of Pentecost and have fun together with your family!

Read the story of Pentecost in your favorite Story Bible or Acts 2:1-41. You may want to have streamers or make paper “flames” before you read the story to make it more interactive!
Wondering Questions:
- I wonder what it looked like to be in the room when everyone had little flames of fire above their heads.
- I wonder what it would have sounded like to have people speaking different languages all at the same time.
- I wonder if the people felt different when they left the room that day.
God of power, may the boldness of your Spirit transform us, may the gentleness of your Spirit lead us, may the gifts of your Spirit be our goal and our strength now and always. Amen. (As printed in the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship)
Simple Ideas
Pentecost Coloring Page from Illustrated Ministry
Make Pentecost Fire Sticks with ribbons. Use them as you read the story from Acts 2.
Watch one or both of the videos
Bigger Ideas
Pentecost in a Box – Designed for celebrating Pentecost at home. Includes a story script for Acts 2 and simple objects that your family can use to learn about and celebrate Pentecost.
Make an origami dove: