Children’s Ministry Leader Training Guide
A Director’s Guide for inviting, training, equipping, and celebrating children’s ministry leaders and volunteers.
This resource was created by Rev. Melissa Gepford (Great Plains Conference, UMC) and adapted by Rev. Kathy Pittenger (Michigan Conference, UMC)

Christian Education Sunday 2024
Equipping, Resourcing, Growing in Faith
Many churches have a Christian Education Sunday as a day to highlight the faith formation ministries of the congregation. Sometimes it also includes the presentation of Third Grade Bibles, prayer for Faith Formation Leaders/Sunday School Teachers/Youth Leaders and more. Often an offering is taken as one of the Special Sundays for the Michigan Conference. Half of the offering goes to Michigan Camping and the other half goes to the Michigan Conference for faith formation/discipleship ministries. Learn more here.
Click here to download the flyer.

Liturgy for Christian Education Sunday and Becoming a Builder of Peace Workshop from Discipleship Ministries.
Fall Resources
Ideas, Links, Articles, and Resources to help you learn about and plan for Back to School Blessings, Fall Kick-off, Bible Presentations, Teacher Training and more. Ideas are also posted in the Michigan Conference Children’s Ministry Facebook Group.

Back to School Resources
Back to School Prayers & Liturgy
Backpack Blessings Resources

Backpack Blessings from Vibrant Church Communications
Stickers, backpack tags, printable cards, bookmarks, and digital assets
Fall Kickoff Essentials
Choosing a curriculum can be hard. There are so many options! Kathy Pittenger curated this list of curricula options as well as articles and resources that can assist you in choosing curriculum. Still have questions? Contact Kathy.
Bible Presentation Ideas
Resources, scripts, and ideas for a Bible Presentation for children. Also includes workshops and ideas for teaching children about how to use their Bible. If you have a script that you would be willing to share, please contact Kathy.
Choosing a Bible for Children
Recommended list of Bibles for children and digital playlists for children and families to explore their Bibles.