I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to take time for renewal leave. It may not surprise you that I crafted a list of things I wanted to do (or not do) while I was away before I went on leave. It included goals like caring for my body and spirit, healing, rest, having fun and laughing, spiritual renewal retreat, MBA classes, journaling, Lego, cleaning my house, time with friends, and a few other things. My prayer was that my time away would help me build healthy habits, heal, and be open to discovering what I would find. I am proud of how I used my leave to honor myself and my family, give myself some space from work, and find peace. Now, I am grateful to be back. I’m excited for the holy work before us. I’m ecstatic for the partnership with the Rio Texas Conference to put resources into fully including children in worship (more on that soon!). I’m delighted to be present and available for you, the leaders in our churches who are doing holy work to build God’s Kingdom each and every day. I’m here to answer questions about Protection Policy, faith formation, leadership, etc., to pray with you, to be a sounding board, and to continue to support the work of the Sustainable Children’s Ministry Team. I appreciate your support during my leave and the warm welcome many of you have offered upon my return. Please feel free to reach out by email or phone if you have any questions or want to chat.
Rev. Kathy Pittenger