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Category: Playlists

  • Singing for God Playlist

    Singing for God Playlist

    Special Thanks Rev. Alicea Williams for curating this playlistNeed something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.Singing for God The story of Paul and Silas in prison is a story of faithfulness and God’s protection. Even in the midst of a hard time, Paul and Silas did not lose hope. In…

  • Jonah Playlist

    Jonah Playlist

    Special Thanks… to Erica Kozlowski for helping to curate this playlist. Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger. Hey Grown-ups! Want to know more about the book of Jonah? Watch this 9 minute overview about Jonah from the Bible Project. Jonah The story of Jonah comes from the Hebrew/Old…

  • David Dances Playlist

    David Dances Playlist

    Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.Dancing for God The Israelites had finally made it to Jerusalem. But the special chest of God (the one that had the Ten Commandments in it) was not there. King David, made a plan to have a big parade celebration so the people…

  • Tabernacle Playlist

    Tabernacle Playlist

    Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.Tabernacle The Israelites were wandering around the desert and did not have a special place to gather to worship God. So, God gave Moses instructions for how to build a tent where the people could worship. Everyone helped to provide materials and build…

  • Crossing the Jordan Playlist

    Crossing the Jordan Playlist

    Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.Joshua Leads the People The Israelites have wandered in the desert for a long time. Moses died. Now Joshua is the leader and the only thing that stands between the Israelites and the Promised Land is the swollen Jordan River. As a note…

  • Courage Playlist

    Courage Playlist

    Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.Joshua the Leader Moses had led the people out of Egypt and they had been wandering in the desert. Moses died and now it’s up to Joshua to lead the people. God spoke to Joshua to encourage him to be strong and courageous…

  • Sharing God’s Love Playlist

    Sharing God’s Love Playlist

    Special Thanks! Thanks to Rev. Alicea Williams for curating this playlist!Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.Additional Ideas for Families What to do more? Check out this lesson designed to be used at home for families! Here’s a video you can use too!Sharing God’s Love In Paul’s letter to…

  • Two Foundations Playlist

    Two Foundations Playlist

    Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.The Wise and Foolish Builder “The wise man (all people) built his house upon the rock…” may be a song that you sing or sang in Sunday School or Vacation Bible School or summer camp. It comes from a parable that Jesus told…

  • The Lord's Prayer Playlist

    The Lord's Prayer Playlist

    Playlist Kudos Special thanks to Rev. Alicea Williams for her significant contributions in curating this playlist!Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.The Lord’s Prayer The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer that Jesus taught the disciples and we continue to pray it today! The Lord’s Prayer is one way to…

  • Pentecost Playlist

    Pentecost Playlist

    Need something else? Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.Looking for a Children’s Bible? Check with your church to see if they have a preferred Bible or one that they frequently use with children. Here are my favorites: Story Bibles: Spark Story Bible Deep Blue Story Bible Bible Basics Storybook Growing in…