Need something else?
Need another resource? Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.
Looking for a Children’s Bible?
Check with your church to see if they have a preferred Bible or one that they frequently use with children. Here are my favorites:
Story Bibles:
- Spark Story Bible
- Celebrate Wonder Storybook
- Bible Basics Storybook
- Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible
Children’s Bibles:
Playlists with Special Topics:
What are playlists and how do we use them?
On this page you will find playlists with a Bible story, video, activities and more on a specific them. You can use them with your family to grow in your faith in God and with one another, especially in this time of physical (social) distancing.
Pick a time that works for your family. Once a week, every day, somewhere in between. Use one or two things or use them all. It’s up to you.
If you have an idea for a playlist theme, please share your idea here.